‘‘So Clear That One Can See the Breaks’: Colonialism, Materiality, and the Lyric in Jen Bervin’s The Desert’, in Rethinking Lyric Communities, ed. by Irene Fantappiè, Francesco Giusti, and Laura Scuriatti (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2024)
“‘what beauty was’: Jen Bervin’s Untimely Sonnets.” English Literary History (2022).
“‘what Time has to do with him’: Queer Temporalities in Robert Duncan’s The H.D. Book and ‘A Seventeenth Century Suite.’” Contemporary Literature (2021).
“Chicago’s ‘Red Rover’ and ‘Absinthe and Zygote’: Toward a Politics and Aesthetics of the Reading Series.” Midwestern Miscellany, XLIII (2015).
Reviews and Occasional Essays
“On Trying to Recite Shakespeare’s Sonnet 73 to My Unborn Daughter,” Annulet (Spring 2023).
“‘To Dare a Future’: an Essay-Review of Thom Gunn’s Collected Letters,” Georgia Review (Spring 2023).
“Review: Julia Cimafiejeva, Motherfield,” On the Seawall (Feburary 2023)
“Review: Rachel Eisendrath, Gallery of Clouds,” The Spenser Review (Fall 2022).
“Silk Poetics: an Essay-Review of Jen Bervin’s Silk Poems and Aditi Machado’s Emporium and The End,” Georgia Review (Fall 2021).
“Review: Caroline Bergvall, Alisoun Sings.” Chicago Review (Autumn 2020).
“On Place-Discipline, poems by Jose-Luis Moctezuma.” On the Seawall (Winter, 2020)
“Loudermilk, or, The Post-Program Era.” The Georgia Review (Winter, 2019)
“Elysian Weather: A Review of Joyelle McSweeney’s The Necropastoral: Poetry, Media, Occults.” Jacket2 (Autumn 2019).
“The Sphygmograph and the Apple Watch: Jena Osman’s Historical Poetics.” Denver Quarterly. 53.4 (Autumn 2019).
“‘What Kind of Music Can you Put a Hole Through’: Rachel Galvin’s Civilian Poetics.” Poetry International (Summer 2019).
“‘How can you trap the sky?’: A Review of Fred Schmalz’s Action in the Orchards.” Iowa Review Blog. (July 2019).
“My (Small Press) Writing Day,” My Small Press Writing Day, 2019.
“Writing and the Neoliberal University: A Review of Jenny Boully’s Betwixt and Between and A Committee of Inquiry’s Keywords…” The Georgia Review (Fall/Winter, 2018).
Transitory Poetics: during most of 2016, I wrote a monthly column of chapbook reviews for Entropy. I reviewed 28 chapbooks in all, including titles by Nikki Wallschlaeger, Mike Lala, Carrie Lorig, Sean D. Henry-Smith, and many others. Here are two representative columns: May 2016 and September 2016.
"A fairly precise list of the things I ate during the two days I wrote this review of Becca Jensen’s Among the Dead: Ah! and Afterward Yes!" Jacket2 (Special Feature: Toward a Wilder Review, edited by Laura Goldstein and Michelle Taransky). 2015.
Bodies in Space: during 2013-14, I wrote a column for the Spoon River Poetry Review on issues of space and embodiment in contemporary poetry. Representative posts include an interview with Jacob Bennett about his chapbook Wysihicken [sic] and a short essay on the role of the body in the poetry reading.
"Paragraphs on Lyric Poetry," Lemonhound, 2013.